Timothy has 30 years of experience with semiconductor devices, SiC power devices and power modules, and advanced power electronics systems. He is actively managing in design and development of SiC MOSFETs, SBDs, and power modules at SemiQ Inc. His experience, capability and leadership will provide a “Powering the SiC Evolution” model for sustainable and efficient SiC solutions. He holds a BS and an MS in Electrical Engineering from Busan National University and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from KAIST.
Silicon Carbide for
EV Fast Charging
SemiQ’s broad spectrum of Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes, modules and MOSFETs meet the demands of high efficiency EV Fast Charging designs with best-in-class reliability, quality, and performance.
Our 1200V diodes in Modules and Discrete packages in a range of voltages and currents give the ultimate in efficiency gains for DC Fast Charging systems to 300kW and beyond.
Benefits of SemiQ SiC in EV Fast Charging
High Efficiency
Reduced Operational
Long-term Reliability
Reduced Design
Complexity versus Silicon
Over 54M Hours
of HTRB/H3TRB Testing
Unidirectional and
Bi-directional Conversion
Typical EV Charging Schematic
Figure 1: EV Charging Schematic